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PETRA is upgrading

Published Jun 15, 2020

This gives us the opportunity to shape what experiments can be done in the future - providing we act now ...

The project to build the Swedish material science beamline, P21, at PETRA in Hamburg was initiated in 2010. A decade on, the Swedish beamline has been in use for a year; and, it’s now time to consider what the next generation of this beamline can do for materials research because DESY is planning an upgrade of PETRA to its 4th generation.

The importance of PETRA and its P21 beamline has been recognised by the Swedish Research Council, with researchers drawing a similar conclusions: requests to use the P21 beamline exceeded capacity by a factor of 2. The upgrade of PETRA to its fourth generation is therefore a key issue for our research community - especially because the P21 beamline may be relocated during the PETRA upgrade.

Accordingly, in order to safeguard our research interests, this Center advocates engagement in the upgrade process that DESY has planned. Get engaged by:

  1. Finding out more about the upgrade planning process at our briefing. 26 June at 13:00. Join this briefing zoom meeting
  2. Making a proposal for future bluesky materials research as well as hearing about and supporting other proposals by joining a workshop. 14 Sept 10:00 -15:00. Join this zoom proposal workshop

This workshop on 14 Sept aims to ensure that Swedish proposals are developed and that these proposals are well anchored in the Swedish materials research community. The deadline for proposals submission is 1 December.

* Get a slot on the agenda for the proposal workshop by contacting us via this KTH form