PETRA IV Beamline Portfolio
Give your input to DESY about their latest plans for the portfolio of beam lines at the future PETRA IV
Time: Wed 2021-09-29 13.00 - Thu 2021-09-30 19.15
Location: Register to get the meeting link ...
Participating: Various DESY personnel

At the PETRA IV Beamline Portfolio Users’ Workshop, you will have the chance to hear about and discuss DESY's current proposals for the future PETRA IV Beamline Portfolio.
The basis of the PETRA IV Beamline Portfolio was the Scientific Instrumentation Proposals (SIPs), which we research users submitted in December 2020. These SiPs were reviwed by a expert team and the SiP evaluations were then used to shape a portfolio of beamlines. This portfolio was reviwed by the DESY Photon Science Committee (PSC), who have given feedback to DESY.
DESY have now updated the PETRA IV Beamline Portfolio proposal. On 29-30 September, you can hear the latest proposals and give additional feedback.
The high energy beamline session is on 30 Sept from 16:15.
DESY's next steps will be a second review round by the Photon Science Committee, before subsequent approval by the DESY directorate.