DESY Satellite meeting PETRA III Swedish beamline
Time: Thu 2023-01-26 09.00 - 12.00
Location: PETRA III, Hamburg with possible hybrid option
As an in-person event, DESY is currently planning its annual Photon Science Users' Meeting and beamline satellite meetings.
On Thursday 26th January, one satellite meeting will focus on the in-line branch P21.2 of the PETRA III Swedish Materials Science beamline, which is dedicated to multi-modal materials characterization by high-energy synchrotron radiation. The status of the beamline will be presented and future developments will be discussed. Selected experimental case studies will be presented by users. An activity report of the Center for X-rays in Swedish Materials Science (CeXS), the academic host of the SMS beamline, will also be presented.
There may be a hybrid possibility but it is yet to be confirmed.
Tentative programme
09:00-09:20: “Status and developments at the SMS in-line branch P21.2”, U. Lienert (DESY)
09:20-10:20: User presentations surface diffraction
10:20-10:40: Break
10:40-11:40: User presentations bulk samples
11:40-12:00: “Activities of the Center for X-rays in Swedish Materials Science (CeXS)”
Register here on DESY's indico system before 21 December.